Monday, 3 July 2017


People say no body is perfect, do you agree to that? Just wanna highlight a few things when we say nobody is perfect... honestly, who has actually defined PERFECT. Like what is this perfect all about and why can't you be perfect? YOU have the power to change that statement and make your life a perfect life for YOU!πŸ’‹

When you look at an individual and say that he or she is perfect, there is some part of their life which they're working on to overcome that which only they know about. What you see is not the actual story. You have to be grateful for the things that are happening your way, I'm sure there are certain things that you are happy about!You are perfect exactly as you are;there is no need to change anything,except the thoughts that you aren't good enough.Perfect people are not real and real people are not perfect.You don't have to be perfect  to be amazing.perfect. Acceptance is the key to happiness & once you accept things the way it's coming to you, that's perfect. Things seem to look perfect & that's best for that moment and for you. 😁😁

Never think any lesser about yourself just by comparing to others, you are the best the way you are and there's a reason behind everything that's happening. Be who you are not the one that the world wants you to be. In case nobody told you today -you are BEAUTIFUL, you are LOVED,you are NEEDED, you are STRONG,you are ENOUGH. :) Because you're perfect
                                                       REMEMBER THATπŸ˜‰


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