Sunday, 12 November 2017


When I look back at my childhood, there is so much I could talk about and so many memories, but when I stop and think about what I treasure the most from,  it isn’t just one memory, it was more of a way of life. πŸ’•


 All of those things contain beautiful memories, but what I love the most and miss the most, is just that we were raised to simply BE. That just waking up in the morning was a blessing. That your day doesn’t have to be packed with activities for you to feel productive or fulfilled. We learned how to entertain ourselves because mom and dad never gave us something to do when we said we were bored…they just sent us outside. πŸ’›

                                                                (My 1st Birthday)

                                                       ( I am with those little eyesπŸ™ˆ)

Outside. I think it was my favorite childhood memory. I can close my eyes right now and I immediately, with a deep breath, can remember laying on my back seeing the clouds peek through at me. I remember laying on my back staring at the sky….day dreaming….all the time. It brought my soul such peace. I would run my hands through the  grass and watch doodle bugs crawl across sticks. I would think about my future, but I never stressed about it. I just looked forward to it. I remember breathing so calmly and so deeply, feeling such a peace when it was me and the great outdoors. πŸ˜πŸ’‹

   (Black and white skirt with those Red shoes THAT'S ME)

You can often find me staring out of a window, lost in thought, lost in dreams. It’s in those moments, that I remember the finest moments of my childhood. That there were no expectations. I didn’t have a lot of friends, so therefore, I never dealt with friends being mean or not accepting me. My siblings were who I played with. My dad worked as a indian govermnet officer, but when he was home, we were always playing with each other or watching T.V and stuff. As a family, every night, we would spend at least an hour talking,watching T.V and playing. It was the best time of my LIFE.❤

So maybe that’s what I loved most about my childhood. That my parents created an atmosphere for me to just be me. To dream big and to let my imagination run free. πŸ‘

                 There is nothing more beautiful than the memories of childhood.😍

If you carry your childhood with you ,you will never feel old .I request you to  relive in your mind your nostalgic happy days and  please do share some of your precious moments .I assure you looking back and sharing happy memories will make you smile as I am smiling now.❤❤
GOOD VIBES.. xoxoπŸ’‹πŸ’‹